Maverick Miles & Musings Happy New Year! We had a great showing for our annual M3 Summit held this year in Jamaica. We conducted a little experiment with Villa living and having multiple Mavericks in the same place with common areas. It ended up being really cool except for team flags being stolen within […]
Yanik’s November Maverick Musings…
Maverick Miles & Musings The Return Path to Joy, Happiness and Bliss The last few years I’ve struggled quite a bit with keeping myself and my businesses moving forward because of the new direction I’ve taken. The same playbook I was using before just didn’t seem like it fit me anymore. And that’s probably good […]
Yanik’s October Maverick Musings…
Maverick Miles & Musings The NEW Way to Better Goal Setting and How 40 is the New 20 Lordy…lordy guess who’s 40? Yup…yours truly. Missy has been waiting for this day for awhile since she’s 2 ½ years older. She thought it would never come but I’m officially in my fourth decade. Several of my […]
Yanik’s September Maverick Musings…
Maverick Miles & Musings Maverick Miles & Musings 22 Excuses For Playing Too Small and Not Living Your Destiny This weekend I watched the movie “Finding Joe.” It’s about a concept Joseph Campbell researched which he describes as the Hero’s Journey. It’s a saga seen across nearly every kind of myth in just about every […]