One Maverick Entrepreneur Can Change an Industry…
1,000 Together Can Change the World.
When I first started Maverick, the core philosophy of “Make More, Have More Fun, and Give More” has never wavered. But we’re at an inflection point of continuing to do something “pretty cool”… or really stepping up and going to the next level.
Since not everyone was in Austin for the last Maverick Multiplier Day, I wanted to send you over a few important updates on where Maverick1000 is headed, and the big picture of how everything comes together. This is the presentation I gave in Austin, where we received some incredibly positive responses from the members who were there.
I truly believe one Maverick entrepreneur can change an industry—but 1,000 together can change the world. That’s you! Collectively, we can have a massive impact on what really matters most, in all areas of our lives.
Please watch my video presentation, along with the accompanying information on the 2013 structure for Maverick1000 here:
You’ll see a couple very exciting announcements that impact what we can do together as a group.
I know this might be a little strange, but have you ever felt like you’re destined for greatness?
No, not in an egotistical type of way, but simply in a quiet knowing way that you’ve been tapped to contribute something more. I’ve always heard that quiet voice in my ear, but also the devastating echo of feeling like I could fall short of my potential.
The new Maverick1000 benefits were intentionally created to give you the push and support essential to accomplishing something that truly matters most.
Click here to see your NEW member benefits and 2013 events:

And be sure to mark your calendars this year…
There are essential dates coming up for members, including the first (New)
3X Maverick Multiplier Retreat in San Francisco, CA, January 15-17, 2013.
We’re already lining up special guests like Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz and Chip Conley.
Carrie is President of the Charles Schwab Foundation, and Senior Vice President of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Among many distinctions, she was named San Francisco Bay Area’s 100 Most Influential Women in Business.
Chip Conley is the best-selling author of PEAK and Emotional Equations, and former CEO of Joie De Vivre hotel group (the 2nd largest boutique hotelier in the world).
Lots more coming down the pike too… Stay tuned!
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