Watch out…Twin Commandos have arrived!
Jake Weatherly, Maverick Biz Dev & Community Commando, multiplies…double time.
On March 7th, after 37 weeks and one day with an extremely pregnant wife, I cut the umbilical cord between my wife Allison and our newborn baby boy, Arbor. Then, just eight minutes later, Allison cut the cord between herself and Briar, Arbor’s identical twin brother. The birth experience was truly amazing—no pain meds, no “look what you did to me!” attacks from Allison, and an opportunity for my sister in law, 13 years my junior, to experience this with her big sister, who was in the delivery room when she herself was born.
My wife achieved full-on rock star status at the hospital, and she basked in the light throughout our required night in the medical clink. We had doctors and staff visiting from all around the hospital to see the “Super Mom,” who gave birth to picture-perfect twins with no meds, virtually no labor pain, and just 38 minutes of pushing.
I’m incredibly sleep deprived, fully in awe of the number of diaper changes over these past three weeks, and what’s really funny is: I still wonder what the team of delivery nurses must have thought when, in the middle of everything, I asked them, “Are you aware of what is happening in this room?” One of them responded curiously, “What?” and I replied “Uh….WINNING!” with Allison chiming in right on cue with a pure Charlie Sheen “Duh?” (That one was for you, Jimmy Sweeney!)
Both babies and mother are perfectly healthy and happy—and the adults are officially out-numbered in my household now. We’re enjoying having three boys under age three (Arbor, Briar, and our 2 ½ year-old, Connor), and we’re looking forward to completing the alphabet with 23 more children.
—The (very sleep deprived but happy) Jake
Maverick IMPACT Haiti in the News
This month, Maverick Member #35 Doug Doebler wrote us to say:
“Hi guys – nice article about our Haiti work. One of the photos is with Mavericks and the big check. Thank you all for your participation. — Doug”
Articles likes these are a great reminder of how the incredible trip experiences we share are only the beginning of our impact—because the way Mavericks roll, inspiration is bound to go viral. Check out this great article featuring last Feburary’s Haiti IMPACT trip, hosted Doug himself and Maverick Celebrity Guest and friend, Frank McKinney. Thanks for sharing this with us Doug—we’re proud to call you a Maverick!