By Andrew Way, Jefe de los Locos
Sorry, folks. This transmission is going to be short. Not truncated — it’s whole — but small in scope. You see, I’m currently sitting in a New York Life office, ensuring that my family will be well taken care of should “something” happen to me while on the Maverick Baja Adventure next week. I just showed my wife the numbers. She’s no longer certain she’d like me to return.
I digress, which takes up valuable space in a communique I’ve pledged to make brief. Onward:
Yanik and I have been busy. Entrenched, if you will. Focused on, among other matters Maverick, putting together our first official Member Summit… The M3 Summit in Miami, December 8-9, 2011. In the immortal words of Sir Edmund Hillary as he neared the top of Everest on May 29, 1953:
“This summit is going to rock!”
Seriously. He said that.
And we’re saying, too. We can’t wait to have so many of you together in one, warm place… and are both slightly fearful of and excited for the impact of our Maverick Gaggle(™) on South Florida. If you have any questions about the M3 Summit and/or what socks Yanik is planning to wear, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with either of us. We’ll give you answers. And, as always, we can guarantee a 94.7% answer accuracy rate.

Can’t wait to see you!
Jefe de Los Locos, out.