A Special Getaway You’ll Never Forget… March 24 – 31, 2012 I almost hate to use the phrase here, but this truly is one of those “once-in-a-lifetime” experiences. (Or maybe twice in a lifetime, since 80% of last year’s attendees are back for another week.. and it would have been more if two members didn’t […]
Exclusive Invites
Are You Missing Out?!
Did You Know? 6 Ways to Connected Year Round! Just making sure you know about all the ways you can stay connected, inspired and engaged with the Maverick mojo — anytime, anywhere… #1: Hook Me Up! Looking for a proactive introduction to a potential partner? Someone to help with a business problem or issue? Or […]
Meet Our Newest Maverick Matryoshka!
As you may have suspected… We’re thrilled to announce our newest member of the Maverick1000 team, the multi-talented Sophia Umanski! Being a true Maverick Matryoshka, Sophia helps assemble all the pieces (and surprises) for our member meet-ups and events, such as the new Dangerous Dinner series and more! But who is this mysterious person anyway? […]
Hot Sauce Comittee News: New Referral Tool!
by Andrew Way, Jefe de los Locos The Hot Sauce Committee, an intrepid group of two thousa… er, two hun… Uh, of two — has been busy this month. Mighty and mightily busy. Check this out: We created for you, fellow Mavericks, an incredibly cool and easy way for you to refer your friends and […]
Exclusive Invite: Sir Elton John’s Oscar Party
A private message from Steve Sims, The Bluefish An Attitude, A Lifestyle Hello Maverick1000 and Bluefish Club Members, With the memories of the recent award season in Los Angeles still strong, we need to look toward 2012 to make sure we don’t miss out on the best access. Each and every year, we’ve been proud […]
Exclusive Access: UG7 Recordings
Hi all! In case you missed the email announcement earlier this month: As a special bonus for Maverick1000 members, you now have access to all available Underground 007 speaker presentations. So if you missed the riveting keynotes, or the down-in-the-trenches Rogue Agent presentations—you now have the insider’s access here: http://www.undergroundonlineseminar.com/live/ Username: mavericks Password: […]