Maverick Musings Something different for you this time. I want to give you an excerpt from my upcoming book “Evolved Enterprise”. I’ve got a full blown report for you on Ecosystem thinking that I think you’ll really like! Let me know. By the time you get this, some of the Mavericks will be […]
Maverick Startups and Mentorship Opportunities
“You don’t have to have all the answers, you just have to be willing to share what you know.” ― Jason Early It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, falling down/getting back up and humility to find one’s personal success as an Entrepreneur. As Mavericks, we feel that we are responsible for passing the […]
Maverick IMPACT: What’s Next?
The Green Beret Foundation “Caring for America’s Quiet Professionals” One of the best parts of being a Maverick is the ability you have to make a positive IMPACT on your world. As a Maverick Member, not only do you experience Epic Adventures and Life Changing Experiences, but you get to be a part of CHANGE; […]
Yanik’s July Maverick Musings…
How Entrepreneurship Can be the Ultimate Expression of Love Everyone has heard the advice ‘do what you love and the money will follow,’ right? Unfortunately that’s not quite true. In fact, I’ve got a $400,000.00 lesson that I’ll share with you later on. However, running your enterprise from the fullest expression of love can […]
Maverick Member Perks
Exclusive Member Perks – From One Maverick to Another Below is a list of Perks offered by some of these members just for you Mavericks. Take some time to check them out – you just might find what you’ve been looking for! Featured Perk: Maverick member #186 Jason Hartman We all know and love […]
Welcome New Mavericks May – June 2014
Introducing… …. Our newest friends, business gurus, and Next Fun (Ad)Venture partners… Maverick #220 Paul Sinclair Maverick #221 Joe Bruno Maverick #222 David Bruno Maverick #223 Daniel Sarramalho Maverick #225 Derek Woryn Maverick #227 Boyd Smith Maverick #229 Michael Brubeck Paul Sinclair Maverick 1000 Member #220 – Las Vegas, NV “I love to do […]