The right group of kindred spirits are eager to celebrate your wins, challenge you to greater accomplishments, share breakthrough ideas and re-invigorate you during the natural emotional roller coaster of breaking new ground.
“I’m proud to be an honorary Maverick”
| Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Founder
What Maverick Members Say:
“Being a member has been life-changing. It has kept me engaged and active and continuing to grow business-wise and personal… What got me excited was the adventure side; it’s an opportunity to sharpen the saw in my mind. I can be with other like-minded entrepreneurs and I have a big heart as far as wanting to give back… and I like to have a lot of fun. The network is fantastic and it’s not just the network of people you’re meeting here, but it’s also the network that they’re connected to.”
“It’s all about the people you surround yourself with… I mean the one thing I know for the money I’ve invested in this, just from the information I got alone, nevermind numerous contacts… financially I’ll get the money back very quick. But for the long-term development of my company, bar none, this has been the best investment I’ve ever made. It means the world to my company, and I truly mean that with all sincerity.”
“We 3X our business with just one side conversation. These are obviously very successful entrepreneurs who are making good money, and these guys are just a blast…Everybody is just so welcoming and fun and funny. It’s just such a cool group of people, really successful, but just such a cool group of people.”
“As somebody who spends about two and a half weeks out of every month on the road, whenever I’m considering joining a group I really have to weigh do I have enough time for this and what kind of value am I going to get out of this?
In terms of the time, let’s be candid. As business owners, we often don’t make the time to work on our business…Going beyond business, what are we doing in our personal lives to make sure the mission of our business aligns with the mission of our personal life philosophy? Maverick helps you meld both of those, and that’s why I make the time to never miss a Maverick event.
If you’re considering joining Maverick, I highly recommend it. Yes, it’s commitment of time, effort, and money, but let’s be candid. What things in life that have any value don’t meet that criteria? I encourage you to put in the time, put in the effort, invest in yourself, decide that you want to join an organization of like minded individuals who are going to support you and push you to be the very best you can be.”
“Maverick has become a group of my closest friends and most trusted business advisors. Whether we are having fun, learning or helping others, I am always building genuine relationships where people give and ask for nothing in return.”
“Maverick takes me out of my day-to-day environment and allows me to grow as a person and in my business. The Mavericks are people I can turn to and count on under any circumstance at any time, day or night.”
“Maverick is such an impactful part of my life that when people ask my kids what they want to be when they grow up, they say without hesitation, “Mavericks!”I would rather sooner not feed my family than not pay Maverick dues.”
“The entire group is centered around the pillars of making more money, having more fun and giving more back. Maverick is more balanced than most other business groups that typically only have one edge to them. Maverick feels like family.”
“The adventures really appealed to me and were right up my alley. I quickly realized that these events were not only EPIC, once-in-a-lifetime trips, but also created more authentic relationships through sharing unique experiences. The bonds formed through Maverick are deeper and more authentic than anything another networking group or mastermind can give you.”
“Mavericks are more than a club, more than a network, and more than a bunch of wealthy business people. They are a group of caring creative and philanthropic minded people that will no doubt leave a footprint in history that will act as an example of what can happen when great minds, good souls, and collective resources are applied unselfishly to the betterment of the human existence!”
“In this group you have a deeper sense of connection not only from a business level but also an emotional level and intellectual level. You have such great commonalities between the members, you feel like you’re not on this journey by yourself. One of the things that really drew me to this group was the giving back and making an impact in the world aspect…It’s amazing to see how the dynamics of this group and the culture that was created has a system and a process to see your ideas become actual impact.”
“…What I get here that I don’t get in other groups is there’s an intense form of tribe that we have within Maverick…. it’s deeper than most other groups that I’m in… Each time we get together, I find that I leave, and something has shifted. That could be a relationship. That could be something internal. It could be an experience I wouldn’t have had otherwise, and my life is just that one-degree different, and I have an inflection point each time we get together. It’s that level of depth that for me makes Maverick one of my top priorities.”
“The people at all different types of businesses, all different types of levels has really been enlightening… I try to make as many experiences and retreats as I can because it’s not about getting a tactic…or even strategy. Sure you can get that by talking to any one of the members, any one of the entrepreneurs here and they can deliver that in spades, but for me it’s just being around these people. It helps to evolve myself as an entrepreneur. To bring myself to that next level…and really helping to transition my business to get to that next level that I’ve been seeking for a long time. Actually not only delivering higher income but really helping to free up my time so that I can focus on the higher value tasks, and make a bigger impact
out there.”